Warm lion, cool sun
I recently got back into oil painting and its been a blast ever since! You can checkout the entire process on the blog above or some parts on the video below!
I used the rub out technique for this, so no underpainting or drawing just straight up alla prima (kind of). I also wanted to experiment with colour thus the blue/ green undertones!
Also did a few test paintings before the finals...
olive jar still life
This was actually the very first complete painting i did after getting back into painting! A simple painting to get back into... Painting. I Thought that using a still life was great way to get back into the swing of things.
Ive also always loved brown school paintings and this is just a homage to some of those works in a way. The composition isnt entirely according to the original ref provided by NMA but ive never been one to stick to whats in front of me, anyway. I also tried for a richer colour scheme and a slightly more balanced composition